German spelling explained in small steps and with simple words.Learn German spelling faster and understand it better.German spelling is usually the unpleasant part of learning a language - here you have to learn rules,which are often so completely different than in the native language...The search service for spelling, inflection and word formation as well as grammar for German is a comprehensive reference work on the German language.German spelling:Do you already have basic knowledge of German, are at language level A2-B1 and are currently preparing for the German exam?In the following list you will find the most important German spellingsA2/B1/B2/C1 – German spellingFor each verb it says in which case the associated preposition is used. There is also a verb for each.Learn more than German Spelling in German!We often use cards to learn new verbs and vocabulary. With this app you can improve your German on your cell phone and with this method.